View from the window
Announces 6 o’clock
I can tell because
The dark of night
Has given way
To pale gray light
And the Spanish Moss
Dangling from Live Oak trees
Resembles my morning hair
Tangled and curly


I pull the rumpled quilt over
The silver mess
But my dogs
Ever-attuned to my moves
Nudge me, now in breakfast mode
No, I murmur, not yet
7 is my target time


Everyone forgets, except me
That I deserve this hour
Most of adulthood
Up at 5
Lighting the kerosene heater
Those years HE refused to fix the furnace
Shivering in my morning shower
In a one-bathroom home for four
Waking the boys
Making the breakfast
Coffee the prime objective
Feeding dogs who long ago
Crossed the fabled Rainbow Bridge
Dressing us all
Gingerly waking
Through the years
Kids to babysitter
Then preschool, then real school
Me to school
Student jobs
Real jobs
Not much changed
Even when I began my new life


Oh, no!
My Rottie is hungry
Sticks his head
Larger than mine
Into my face
Goofy smile
Not yet, I say
View from the window
Announces 6:30
The early birds
Get the dehydrated meal worms
Red Cardinal dads on the feeder
Brown Cardinal moms on the ground
Pecking the leftovers
(No feminism this morning,
Clarissa, I think
Go back to sleep)


But I never make it to 7 o’clock
Because retirement, to me
Means an almost hourly pee
Lucky dogs
Breakfast determined by the
State of my bladder
I’m up and out
And the view from the window
Announces 6:45
That’s a nice compromise
Enabling to care
For the dogs and birds
The life I live and love…


(c) 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)
IMAGE: Morning Moon and Sun


  1. Beautiful piece, Clarissa, the way the morning brings the past to mind, the mixed emotions about the past and present, nuance and melancholy and the perfect “compromise” ending. 💙 PS: Great photograph.

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    1. A gazillion thanks, Steve! As the dogs were “telling” me to get up yesterday, I wrote this. The photo is a once-in-a-lifetime view (I think) of the moon and sun large, visible, and next to each other. This was back in 2014 ❤

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