Linear calendar

Creates nice little squares

Of days and years

This follows that

Circularity makes more sense

Yet even astrology

Has Aries as the first sign

So the days and years

Seem to differently appear

But they might as well be

Lined up in nice little squares too

What can we do

To avoid the inexorable tolling

Of time

Yearly seasons keep count

As we move around the sun

The moon phases rigidly

Orbit the Earth

Drum beats of time

Calculated in sidereal months

Would there be true chaos

If we banned time?

How would we know

The time to go

To school, work, or that all-encompassing word:


We are too wired to wait

For doctors, hair dressers, massage therapists

Without an appointment

Time is wasted

I don’t like time

Just another way

To legislate lives

I want us to live laid back

I want night people to work in the night

Dawn people to do their thing

Before birds are on the wing

Poets to write celestially in the dark

I don’t like time

But the calendar says

I must wish you all

Happy New Year

But I swear

And resolve

No more calendars for me

Anyone agree?


© 2016 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: duna.budapest.hu


  1. I AGREE! Time is annoying! I do not like time. Well, maybe I DO like time actually, because seen in a different way, time is infinite. And also, we can assign any role we’d like to time.

    There was this poem I used to read when I was a kid — something to the effect of taking/ adding imaginary hours to the day because we wanted more play time. I still think of it today.

    Very thought provoking ideas for the New Year (oops!) for the infinity ahead of us… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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