
what if

one day i wrote a poem
and no one understood it
they made nice comments
but had no conception of
what it was about
and i wondered
what if it was a random block
of alphabet letters
like xyz or lmnop
and people were being kind
thinking poor c, she lost her mind
but we will pretend it is art

then i recalled a time
when i was 10
and crying at the kitchen table
seeing my face in a convex toaster
bloated and monstrous
flew up the steps
to check the mirror
and it was me
normal me
with a red nose from crying
but still me
and i wondered
what if the monster in the toaster
was really me
and people were being kind
thinking poor c, no idea that a monster is she
but we will pretend it is ok

one day i told people i’m autistic
explained and wrote what it meant
this spectrum thing is confusing
but with all the stuff on the internet
should have been clear
although we’re all different
we’re the same socially
when people tell me sad stuff
not ignoring them
not being cold
just trying to think what to say
words that will be okay
but people still roll their eyes
or walk away
what if they think i’m monotonous
when i think i’m a prophetess
and they pretend to be tolerant
just being kind
thinking poor c, no idea what a bore is she
but we will pretend we don’t mind


(c) 2020 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)
IMAGE: Andromeda-Urania’s Mirror, Wikipedia


Am/ Why didn’t you ask me
Em/ If it’s true
Am/ Instead you believe
G/ What I didn’t do

Em/ You really must hate me
Am/ If you’re quick to believe
Em/ You want me to suffer
D/ So happy when I grieve

Am/ All my long life
Em/ Been treated so mean
Am/ Laughed at or worse
G/ Y’all made me demeaned

Em/ Why do you hate me
Am/ What did you see
Em/ In soft dark eyes
D/ With tears hidden by me

Am/ Laughing at me
Em/ And spreading your lies
Am/ You secretly smiled
G/ And I wanted to die

C/ But I’m still standing
G/ Although I ache
A/ Because I’ll never let you
D/ See me break…

(c) 2019 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)
IMAGE: sad hallway guitar

ANTONYMIC LIFE (song in progress)

moonflowers sm px

In the morning flowers frame the waning moon
A blue-tailed skink startles me in the afternoon
Dogs welcome the evening chasing raccoons
And in the night stars form opulent festoons

Experiencing life in antonyms
Strange and atonal rhythms
Imagine Xanthium strumariums
A yellow or blue dye like fraternal twins

Can’t distinguish in my tritanopia
Am I happy, blue, or is it myopia
Listening to the guitar of Segovia
Music banishes my unhappy phobias

In the morning birds quarrel over food
Noon thoughts of the past bring disquietude
Yet evening my emotions become subdued
And the night sky enfolds its breathless magnitude…

(c) 2019 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)
IMAGES: Red Trumpet flowers framing the moon/blue-tailed skink/Swamp picnic

Skink Plestiodon skiltonian (2)



To live with no regrets
True translation:
To live and take
For those incidents
We do regret
There is no time machine
No way to return
To the scene of the shame
So easy to forgive others
Hard to forgive ourselves
Especially if we were children
And victims of family
Out of control
Eventually attracting
Friends, spouses
Ripping apart our soul

Maybe three in the morning
Is heart attack time
But for me
Three in the afternoon
Is when I sing the Blues
Blood sugar down?
Morning high
(Brought on partially by coffee)
Has fatally crashed
Blues between noon and dusk
My heart’s an empty husk

Not much natural blue
In Nature
Rare birds
Rare flowers
Blue reserved
For sky and sea
Morphing to Indigo
A representation
Of Third Eye Wisdom
Along the chakra rainbow
Fourth House of the zodiac
Capricorn in the Fourth
No easy way to say this
Not an easy natal moment

I so hope I can struggle to my end of days
In self-made love and peace in a glorious blaze…
(c) 2019 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)
IMAGE: Picasso’s Blue Period, Old Guitarist


(song-in-progress/will use lots of Em, Bbm, minor all the way)

For those lost, especially during the holidays…

Searching for the road home
It winds past city trash
And wild sunflower dumps
Where rats scurry to miss
Practice shots by bored kids

Searching for the road home
House in my name
Blue collar crowded rooms
Weekend alcohol and rarely
A toke of smoke enhancing
A mood that is happy or
A mood that is fast sinking

Searching for the road home
Worked so hard but
It just doesn’t fit
Like denim jeans sewn
In a country of petites
The wrong country
For voluptuous ass and thighs
Lands where those women believe
Their US counterparts have no need to cry

Searching for the road home
Different geometric shapes
Different names for states
A jigsaw puzzle from childhood
Can’t find the right neighborhood

Searching for the road home
Swamp and forest surrounding
Approaching age spent owning
A ten-year-old car
Some musical strings
Boots, shirts, just things
No home

Can’t find the road home
There is no home
Where do I go from here…?

(c) 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Galaxies Primordia



Once upon
A cloudless morning
So like
A choir of angels
High soprano
Now stuck
Between the ranges
Not contralto
Not even
Frozen between
Desolated tones
Shuttered twilight
Discordant echo
Bruised and bloody time
Unable to heal
All wounds…

(c) 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)




*scroll down for YouTube video*


Winter has warned me

Survival depends on sun

Challenge is noted

Verse prompts accepted because

Ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone…


© 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Sunshine and Live Oak   Bill Withers, Ain’t No Sunshine (YouTube) *




Now I know why

Van Gogh

Did yellow

Dressed in black

Like the crows

I seek succor

From the sun

Or at least

Its result of



Planted by Corvus

As they compete

With the squirrels

Dodge my dogs

Dropping kernels

That sink into the rainy


And I try to remember

This darkness will pass

I will see yellow again

As my aura soaks in

The balance of

Magical spectrums of

Vibrant colors…


© 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Music and Madness




Appearing in the

Northern Hemisphere

Canis Major

Greater Dog

Known as Sirius

The brightest star

Named for the Egyptian god Osiris

Ruler of life, death, fertility and plant rebirth

Also visible is

Canis Minor

Lesser Dog

Known as Procyon

Both stars

Halfway between Orion

And Earth

So wanting to be with

Us aching humans

Helplessly watching our dogs

Over the years

Trek to the skies

As we bid goodbye

It is not such a huge leap of imagination

To think that our best friends

Have come to reassure us

Sniffing, smiling

As only their species can do

A joyously unique

Modus vivendi

Telling us yes,

We are happy in a new life

As we light the way

For those who are



Herding them back

Before they go astray

So let us remember our dogs


© 2016 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

Image: Earth Sky



In years past

Before electricity

Crystals were faceted

And used below decks

In sailing ships

To lighten the darkness


Safer than candles

Or kerosene lamps

Solar power refracting


Natural sunlight


So despite keelhauling,

Brutality and impressing

Drunken men or young boys

Our sea-going ancestors

Knew the secret of the sun

Knew not to waste

Too many natural resources


Although the whales were sacrificed

For their ability to provide fat for tallow

There is always an oblation

A diminishment of a species

Offered to the jealous gods

Who are expected to return the favor

By keeping us safe


On those rare, but dark days,

Of my soul

I seek the deck prism

Feel its vibration

Huddle around its meager, but reliable, light

And allow the power to transform

Mind and mood

Into a bursting crystal of


Because light will always reappear

If we force ourselves through the

Shadows of life

That come

But most importantly


© 2015 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)