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(Poem? Song? Novel?)

🌻   🌻   🌻  

So excited

Couldn’t sleep

So like a little girl

On Christmas Eve

Waiting to see Santa

Grabbed the cell phone

And slipped through the

Sliding glass door

Dogs lifting their heads

And returning to sleep

Briefly thought of Max

At 105 pounds

He’d never let me go into

A dark yard adjacent to the swamp


But my current dogs

Are children of my old age

And don’t demand much

🌻   🌻   🌻  

So I quietly close the door

And there it is

In the darkened light of

The New Moon

Delivered by UPS

Put together by Roomie and me

The perfect 8 x 6 greenhouse

Housing unsheltered plants

From the storms of rain and thunder

Just another hurricane season

In the Lightning Capital of the nation

🌻   🌻   🌻  

The plants were fed fertilizer

After moving them to their new home

But now I bring out the

Important food for the soul

Corn meal

Himalayan pink salt

And the sweet smoke of

Home-grown Sage

I greet and lightly touch

Each gift in its pot

Hello, Three Sisters:

Corn, Beans, and Squash

They nod their heads in the dark

While the Nightshades:

Tomatoes, Peppers, and Potatoes

Sisters to Belladonna

Remind me of their Vitamins A & C

With lots of antioxidants

Loaded with nutrients

And always welcome in my kitchen

🌻   🌻   🌻  

Suddenly a figure appears and I

Recognize the 4-square symbol on her dress:

Mokosh, Slavic Earth Mother

Associated with the destiny of women

Can’t help thinking what a magnet I am

For all the Fates from many cultures

But I welcome her

Mokosh, meaning “moisture”

Perfect because moist earth

Is essential for gardening

As is the earth quickly drying

From flood and torrential rain

🌻   🌻   🌻   

As she fades

I look around at my little structure

Unlike the portals I wander through

In previous descriptions

Like the Bathhouse and Swamp Crossroads

The greenhouse is anchored to the earth

There is no magic portal

Just a rolled-up door

Leading merely to my backyard

The magic is in the food

Growing in my pots

For health and safety

Briefly, though, I contemplate

Naming the greenhouse Esplumoir*

Merlin’s little cabin harboring

Twelve Damsels, oracles of the future

Neighboring Perceval, famous

Holy Grail guardian

🌻   🌻   🌻  

But magic often visits us

If we look and listen

And I see the shadow of a woman

Playing a big old bandura on her lap

And another shadow strumming

The three strings of an unmistakable

Ukrainian-crafted balalaika

And I know

My plants will gladly grow…

🌻   🌻   🌻  

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Greenhouse & plants & ukulele

🌻   🌻   🌻  

*From Wikipedia:  

The esplumoir is thought to be the place where Merlin, who is fond of transforming himself into a bird, would resume his human form.[3] According to the Didot Perceval it is a cabin or a small house that Merlin built himself near the home of Perceval, guardian of the Grail, to prophesy.[4] It is also imagined as a high tower or a rock, in other texts. In Méraugis de Portlesguez it is described as being atop a high cliff having no doors,windows or stairs; it is inhabited by twelve damsels who can tell the future.[5]


Oh, beautiful April garden

Burgeoning with green bell peppers

Cherry tomatoes

Onions, Garlic and Ginger

Fell under the spell

Of the wicked witch

White Fly

Leaves departed

And all began to die

No matter what I tried

(Dish detergent included)

They relentlessly nipped all

Pumpkins, potatoes

Roots and vines

Curled up and died

While I tried not to cry

Oh, though,

I dose myself with homeopathic cures

And sure enough

There it was online


Homeopathy for plants

And decided to fight

The blight and bought

Silicea for strengthening

Zincum metallicum

(also great for human leg cramps)

And the “Corpse Reviver”

Carbo veg

For “desperate blossoms”

The Last Chance Saloon for healing

Mortar-and-pestled the pills

Sprayed on roots and leaves

And yes, healing

And yes, sprayed the

White Fly troops swarming

And yes, I think it will work

My bell pepper looks lovely still

Tomorrow is Sci Fi Friday

When Roomie and I

Watch Dr. Who

And eat homemade

Cauliflower pizza pie

This one will have a

Beautiful gift from the

Earth, Water, Fire, and Sky

With slices of green pepper

Kissed by the old root queen C


And woken up

Some may say

To die

On the pizza pie

But it transitions into

Another life as the seeds

Compost, feeding the worms

While fulfilling our needs

To survive

Thank you dear plant…

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Green pepper with homeopathic remedies


This is a post from the Florida poet and artist Denise Fletcher (who is also a wonderful friend). We both have poems appearing in this coming Florida anthology. My poem is titled “Gulf of Mexico Musical Nexus.” I believe the link is for preordering. I have read through the proofs and conclude that there are a lot of amazing poets in the state of Florida!


Gulf Coast Poets

Gulf Coast Poets Florida Bards: A Poetry Anthology

My poem, “Saint Michael’s Shrine” was published in this poetry anthology in April 2023. I am pleased to be included in this fine collection, along with many exceptional poets, including my friend and fellow Florida poet, Clarissa Simmens.

A book of poetry published by Local Gems Press. Edited by James P. Wagner and Larry Jaffe, Beat Poet Laureate of Florida.

To purchase the book, click here.

Labels: AnthologyBooksDenise FletcherFloridaPoetryPublications

Passion Fruit Dessert

Moving through my garden

Red tomatoes 

Off the vine

Placed in a battered pot

Red beans 

Red cayennes

Red potatoes

Bubbling like the 

Song in my valentine heart

Served in rose quartz bowls

Eaten with silver moon spoons

As the sun sinks

In a pink sky

And we drink the

Cool twilight of dreams…

(c) 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)


Happy May Day

♥ ♥ ♥

RockStar guards the Sunchokes

Woof-woofing on this first of May

Call it Beltane or Avgo Majo

But celebrate this solar day!

♥ ♥ ♥

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: RockStar & Sunchokes

(AKA Jerusalem Artichokes)


I own no passport

Therefore, have no access

To the seven continents on Earth

I so long to be able

To enter some of these portals

But I know I will never travel

And the wish will remain

Part of my fantasy life

Ah, for the Paleozoic Era

When all the continents were attached

Before the oceans didn’t interfere

With the pangea

I could drive my 2007 Honda CR-V

Around the world

But no

And so

These places remain unseen

Unentered by me

Should I purchase a passport

Dispelling the claustrophobic need

To move around

Feeling freed

From a place in time

No longer mine?

But no

Just an OCD moment

To right my shrinking world…

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Pangea with modern borders/Visual Capitalist


(scroll down for a YouTube video of The Who)

Who are these old people

Clogging up the aisles of Walmart

Buying vitamins, denture cream, incontinence pants?

I ask myself

Impatiently squeezing through carts

Forgetfully left blocking me

While these silver-haired shoppers

Seem to have fallen asleep

Standing up

But then I suddenly recall and in a

Fit of nervous laughter

Realize I’m just as silvery as them

Maybe older than some of them

And I wonder how it can be

When the words to Pink Floyd’s

“We don’t need no education…”

Are beating through my mind

And I feel like a teenager, but then

I recall I’m old and

It’s the third Wednesday of the month

Social security safely snuggled

In online checking accounts

To be spent within the hour

Am I like them?

They’re dressed like proper grandparents

While me in black

Looking like the eponymous nun

In Chaucer’s Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Or an aging Goth Granny

Stomping around in combat boots

Still wondering

Who are these old people?

We’re hippies and veterans of war

We’re wannabe rockstars

We’re wrinkled grandparents

And loving parents of

Human or furry

Scaley or feathery babes






Retired from years of work

From different social classes

Different politics

Different spiritual beliefs

But bonded by the music

And I’m sure most of us no longer believe

The Who’s “Talking ‘bout my generation”

And I’m sure The Who no longer believe

Their line

“Hope I die before I get old”

Nope, not them

And not us Walmart shoppers

Can sing that line today

Without knocking on wood three times…

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: CS & friend Tarot 1974

The Who, My Generation (YouTube)


(for Earth Day 2023)

The UK has Glastonbury Tor
The US has Mount Trashmore
I have been a Flatlander
Here in the Florida peninsula
But my backyard converts
To whatever I wish
And like conjurers of old
I see a Terrestrial Zodiac
On a two-lot land
An as below, so above plan
True, copying the stellar heavens
Is almost impossible to do
Yet I have special corridors of power
To do my bidding
Scaled down to twelve sections

ARIES, my own, begins the wheel
Lies in the North
Red and green cayennes
Like the finest quartz Bloodstone
Soaking up the Sun
Orbiting to TAURUS
Partially shaded by
Banana tree fronds
A solid, fighting weed
Inflorescence fruit womb
GEMINI up against the back fence
Pure shade to hide the glow of
Duality and intelligence
Live Oaks dripping
Spanish Moss
With Air plants of Red Tillansia
CANCER conserving the foresty ponds of
Aquaplants like duckweed and algae
While LEO, basking in sunlight
Shows off the finest, most colorful
Swamp flowers
Haven for bees and hummingbirds
Now the serious vegetables take root
As VIRGO’S analytical, critical
Earthy nature dominates under the palm tree
LIBRA has a patch of harmony
Growing this and that
But intense SCORPIO
Hides the roots
Of onions, garlic and ginger
Under the water-based ground
And vibrant, reckless SAGITTARIUS
Generously shines on Greens of every hue
As ambitious CAPRICORN
Close to the back of the house
Self-importantly impels the
Growing of corn and sunflowers
Sowed by birds and squirrels
Circle almost complete
Not caring a bit
Who thinks what
Grows whatever blows its way
And inching closer to the beginning
Sensitive PISCES
Lets loose with exotic tropical flowers
Often not based in daily reality
But there, nevertheless

And so, I may never go
To see and feel the breathlessly beautiful
Tors and mounds sublime
But it is always
As above, so below
And I believe
In the great mystery
That if even one person
Out of one hundred
Lives life magically
It is a life worth living…


© 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Today’s 2023 Container Garden (Partial)


Canto 4 (brief character sketch)

Kikimora’s webs 

Tiny and tightly woven

Are scattered across my floor

She thinks I cannot see them

But can, now that I’m aging

Avoid them if you treasure

Your life, Gran taught

One is for hubris

(Don’t brag or swagger)

One is for luck

(Spit over your shoulder 3 times)

One is for health

(Diet and exercise, it’s magical)

And another for wealth

(Nothing ever worked for me)

★   ★   ★  

Maybe she’d like her own home

But the ancient deities are

Similar to dogs and other animals

Ruled by their limbic system*

Remembering what they are bred to do**

Kikimora, like Athena,

Sprung from the brain of

An ancient folklorist

Who mythologized

In his or her earliest mind

Another house spirit

To protect hearth and home

When deities like the Domovoi

Ate a bit too much

Of the bread and salt

Failing to do their duty

Thus, invention of a mean old woman

A syncretized spinner of fates

Demanding a clean house

With the broom used to chase unwanted spirits

(But don’t touch the spider webs)

Or young maidens, children

Would be eaten or beaten

By Kikimora of the bad temper

But we know better

We know who she really is

★   ★   ★  

To be continued in the Daemonia novel or chapbook…

★   ★   ★  

© 2023 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Kikimora

★   ★   ★  

*Broca first coined the term “limbic lobe” to describe the part of the cerebral cortex that forms a limbus, the Latin word for “rim,” around the corpus callosum – the large fiber bundle connecting the cortices of two cerebral hemispheres.

  ★   ★

**Limbic system controls emotions and long-term memory