(for Earth Day 2023)

The UK has Glastonbury Tor
The US has Mount Trashmore
I have been a Flatlander
Here in the Florida peninsula
But my backyard converts
To whatever I wish
And like conjurers of old
I see a Terrestrial Zodiac
On a two-lot land
An as below, so above plan
True, copying the stellar heavens
Is almost impossible to do
Yet I have special corridors of power
To do my bidding
Scaled down to twelve sections

ARIES, my own, begins the wheel
Lies in the North
Red and green cayennes
Like the finest quartz Bloodstone
Soaking up the Sun
Orbiting to TAURUS
Partially shaded by
Banana tree fronds
A solid, fighting weed
Inflorescence fruit womb
GEMINI up against the back fence
Pure shade to hide the glow of
Duality and intelligence
Live Oaks dripping
Spanish Moss
With Air plants of Red Tillansia
CANCER conserving the foresty ponds of
Aquaplants like duckweed and algae
While LEO, basking in sunlight
Shows off the finest, most colorful
Swamp flowers
Haven for bees and hummingbirds
Now the serious vegetables take root
As VIRGO’S analytical, critical
Earthy nature dominates under the palm tree
LIBRA has a patch of harmony
Growing this and that
But intense SCORPIO
Hides the roots
Of onions, garlic and ginger
Under the water-based ground
And vibrant, reckless SAGITTARIUS
Generously shines on Greens of every hue
As ambitious CAPRICORN
Close to the back of the house
Self-importantly impels the
Growing of corn and sunflowers
Sowed by birds and squirrels
Circle almost complete
Not caring a bit
Who thinks what
Grows whatever blows its way
And inching closer to the beginning
Sensitive PISCES
Lets loose with exotic tropical flowers
Often not based in daily reality
But there, nevertheless

And so, I may never go
To see and feel the breathlessly beautiful
Tors and mounds sublime
But it is always
As above, so below
And I believe
In the great mystery
That if even one person
Out of one hundred
Lives life magically
It is a life worth living…


© 2017 Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

IMAGE: Today’s 2023 Container Garden (Partial)